What are the benefits of Juicing Leafy Greens? 

Dark leafy greens contain phytonutrients, high amounts of Vitamin C and Folic acid( necessary for developing infants). These leafy greens: Kale, Collards, Beet Greens and Spinach, aid in reducing inflammation, lower cholesterol, and immune system support. 

How long does the juice stay fresh? 

Refrigerated "cold pressed"juice will stay fresh from 3-7 days. However for best nutrient intake, juice should be consumed immediately.

Refrigerate immediately
· Lasts up to 4 days refrigerated
· Can be frozen for up to 3 weeks

What are juice shots for?

Small in size, but big in impact ! Juice Shots are potent 2 ounce tonics, formulated to supercharge your health.

Refrigerate immediately
· Lasts up to 4 days refrigerated
· Can be frozen for up to 3 weeks

What is cold pressed juice? 

Cold pressing juice is a method of juice extraction that applies hydraulic pressure to separate fruit and vegetable pulp from the juice. This method retains essential nutrient content. Apart from conventional juice extraction methods, cold-pressing reduces the amount of air and heat that contacts the juice which  can increase enzyme breakdown, leaving lifeless juice with no benefit. 

Why Detox?

An optimum diet should aid in reducing the risk of disease and fortify the body's defenses and natural healing mechanisms. When we think of cancer and dis-ease we should think of these conditions thriving in an environment that lacks oxygen hence yielding an unbalanced diet. Based on this fact alone, it is easy to understand that producing an oxygen rich environment within our bodies is contingent upon consumption of dark leafy green. By increasing our consumption of these greens in their liquid form, the manifestation of a cleanse is created by  flushing the liver and flooding the blood stream simultaneously. When done on an extended basis without the consumption of solids, the body cleanses itself from a build up of toxins from past digestion of unhealthy foods and environmental hazards. 


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